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Orthodontics Treatments


Don't give up on a perfect smile. Thanks to orthodontics, you will have a perfect,

enviable smile.


At Beyaz Ada, we can offer you everything from a traditional, basic, metal orthodontic

solution to the latest in aesthetic orthodontic treatments. Our orthodontic specialists can

solve any problem related to crooked or badly aligned teeth in both adults and children.


What orthodontic treatment best suits me?


At Beyaz Ada we attend to the specific needs of each patient paying special attention in each case in order to offer you the most appropriate orthodontic treatment. Don't hesitate to go to your nearest dental practice and consult with our professionals on your case. At Beyaz Ada we are here to help you.


Children's orthodontics


At Beyaz Ada we have different treatments for children's orthodontics, with which we try to offer specific solutions for the younger ones that will prevent other more major problems from occurring during adolescence.

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